Wednesday 2 December 2015

Abercrombie & Fitch- Change in Teens, Change in Target Market

Abercrombie & Fitch have changed their target market to try and keep up with the 'new teen'. To keep their sales up they need to find out who their target market is and how they have changed in the past decade.

Chairman Arthur Martinez feels teenagers are spending money on other things not just apparel.

"A greater share of their money is going to, I'd say, two things. Number one is technology: iPhones, iPads, iWatch, whatever it might be," Martinez said. "And the other thing is — I'd call it experiences: dining out with friends."

Abercrombie used to count on sexy marketing campaigns and stand out brand logos to get customers in their store, now that doesn’t appeal to the teens of today, they want fast fashion and for a cheaper price.

Abercrombies new target market are the 18-25 year olds.

"We aim today to be a little further up the age curve ... where people are little more grown up, if I can use that phrase. They're entering a true adulthood, sort of 18-to-25 age band, collegiate and immediate post collegiate. They have a more refined sensibility, a great sense of themselves, and the imagery that used to be used was designed to provoke.”

"Today, I think provoking is the wrong way to approach it. What we are trying to do is show a lifestyle and an ethos that is consistent with today's 18- to 25-year-old who has a clearer sense of self and identity, and we can appeal to that lifestyle and that confidence that they have as they get to that age level."

That older consumer, Martinez believes, will invest in apparel versus go the fast-fashion route. "We sense a shift that people are willing to invest in something [that they'll wear] more than one season," he said.

I feel this change is good for Abercrombie as it shows they are really taking notice of how their consumers are shopping and what they want from the brand. They are growing with their customers and hopefully Martinez theories are correct. 

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