Sunday 29 November 2015

Wearable Technology- Caeden

Start up brand Caeden have developed a new wearable which includes the usual sensors found on a fitness gadget for counting steps, a heart rate sensor and an overall sensor to measure health and stress levels.

It seems strange that a start up company would make a wearable when big brands like Apple, Microsoft and Samsung are all doing the same. How would this small company compete? Nora Levinson, Caeden's chief executive says that there is still a lot of room to compete and enter the market. Caedens key selling point is that the wearable looks like a leather bracelet, a fashion accessory not like a gadget.

“We focused not only on designing a beautiful piece of jewelry, but also on incorporating advanced heart sensor technology that gives a more well-rounded picture of overall health,” Ms. Levinson said.

From looking at Caedens website their brand identity is extremely modern, sleek and sophisticated. They are trying very hard to make their technology appealing to the consumers who find self image very important.

On a blog post I wrote the other day I spoke about Topshop x Bpay who have also come into the market of wearable technology. Topshop have focused on the contactless payment side of wearable whereas other companies have explored the fitness side of how this tech can help people in their everyday lives.

Personally I feel that the contactless payment side of this technology is a lot more exciting and convenient, I myself would be interested in investing in a piece of wearable that I could pay with. However, the technology for fitness reasons doesn't really appeal to me that much. If I wanted to count my steps I would rather do that on an app on my phone than pay for a bracelet to do it.

I predict that more and more companies will be creating a type of wearable, whether that be fitness, contactless payment or something else, but trying to make it look like something people would actually want to wear, something on trend and not just a gadget. To do this successfully tech brands will most likely team up with fashion retailers to give their product the 'on trend' look.

If I find any more information about brands teaming up for wearable tech I will let you know!

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