Friday 22 January 2016

New York Day 6

The last day we wanted to fit as much as possible into the short amount of time we had so we started off at Barney's for brunch. We were a bit early so we had a browse at the clothes which were all very beautiful. 

Brunch itself was soon good! I will be dreaming about this french toast. It had bananas inside with fresh berries, it looked too good to eat!

We then found the famous Palace Hotel where Gossip Girl was filmed. While taking photos outside a member of staff kindly asked if we wanted to come inside and see some of the places they filmed. I was so excited I am now watching the whole show from start to finish. 

The famous bar where Serena used to drink.

The kitchen where Chuck made Serena a cheese and truffle toasted sandwich. 

Grand Central Station was such a good people watching spot! I definitely want to go back and explore some more. 

Then we had to make it back to the hotel to go home. I had an amazing time and really enjoyed seeing and experiencing new things! 
I can't wait to go back and explore some more!


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