Wednesday 20 January 2016

New York Day 4

Day 4 was also a very fun day! We started off looking for the restaurant Bubby's but after an hour of searching we got there to find it was closed for a private event!! At least we saw some pretty sights along the way! 

This is the breakfast I ended up having!

We visited Ground Zero which I feel when you are walking down towards it just has such a different feel from the rest of the city, its crazy when you realise just how big the towers were. 

We then visited the Brookfield Place Shopping Mall opposite. How couldn't we get a cupcake? The chocolate and marshmallow cupcake is a dream! 

We sat on the steps and people watched all the office staff coming out for lunch and people shopping which was so much fun! 

After a long day of walking and exploring we did some shopping on 5th Avenue and went out for dinner. 


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