Tuesday 19 January 2016

New York Day 3

Day three was extremely busy, but also one of my favourites, we travelled all around the city seeing new and exciting things.

First we were taken on a Garment Tour which was super exciting!

We were taken to Mood Fabrics where Project Runway is filmed. While we were there bloggers The Wanderlust Girls came to see us to speak about their jobs, how they got to the success they have now and a few funny stories about what they encountered along the way.

We then went to look at a sample sale which was great to see all these little boutiques.

After some shopping we were taken to a magazine store which sold fashion magazines from all over the world, unfortunately we couldn't take photos in there, but there was a publication for everything! If I could I would've bought everything!

We then met PR Girl Natasha Huong Smith (Instagram @rhmediaprgirl) who was so inspiring talking to us about what made her get into fashion PR, what her day to day life is like and what it takes to be successful in the PR world. I loved being able to meet her as she obviously had worked very hard to be successful and thats how I aim to be.

After the garment tour we were all a little hungry so we got the subway down to Chelsea Market. I hadn't been before so it was great to see what it was like. There were so many places to eat! We decided on a little cafe/ bakery and sat in the window. It was great to just watch the world go by for a moment before we explored some more. 

When we had finished at Chelsea Market we decided to go to the High Line, another place I hadn't been. It was freezing cold, but the sky was so clear. The views were beautiful and I definitely want to go back in the summer to see all the flowers.

While on the High Line we decided that it was the perfect clear weather to go to the Rockefeller Centre. Again it was extremely cold and our phones kept turning themselves off but the views were amazing! I have been up there before and love that you can see the Empire State and Central Park. 


That night we had one of our 'treats' for the week. We had booked a table for Beauty and Essex while still at home. I was super excited to go, get dressed up and try some new foods. 

Me and the two girls I was sharing a room with went and each ordered two things each and then shared with each other. I ordered the Mole Chicken which was on a rice cake with tortilla salad and cotija cheese and the Califlower Gratin with parsley germinate, lemon and fresno chilli. 

Everything was so delicious and I can't wait to go back.

I did order the box of doughnuts which had 3 nutella and 3 jam doughnuts. The jam doughnuts were the best thing I have ever eaten! They were delicious!!

I just loved this quote! Definitely one I will be remembering! 
A busy, but very exciting day!! 

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