Friday 29 January 2016

KIKO Campus Idol- Limited Edition

KIKO have recently released their newest limited edition collection, Campus Idol. I found this new collection interesting as it reminds me of the 'typical media portrayal' of the American University life.

Each different section has a different colour palette which represents a different 'school team'. It will be interesting to see how popular this collection will be in the UK and if people buy the collection for the 'American School' packaging or because they just want to try the products themselves. 


Tuesday 26 January 2016

Armani- New Normal

Giorgio Armani has unveiled his new womenswear line which he's dubbed the New Normal. The models have been dressed in a wearable collection which offers sophisticated sportswear. 

Modeling the collection are Eva Herzigova, Stella Tennant, Yasmin Le Bon and Nadja Auermann, all whom are past 40 years old. Armani has decided to market and reflect this collection to the demographic who are more likely to afford the clothing. A demographic that the fashion world usually ignores. 

"I wanted to create essential and concise pieces that summarise 40 years of style that have defined the test of time," Armani said, "because I found ultimately, there weren't any 'normal' clothes- and by normal I mean not... obvious."

The collection gives a Celine or even Cos vibe to it, a lot more wearable for the 'everyday' woman who can afford the pieces and likes to invest. It will be interesting to see how well this collection sells and who are the people buying it. Will this campaign give the slightly older generation the push to shop at Armani?


Sunday 24 January 2016

Brand Research Fur- Charlotte Simone

While doing research for my Summative Brief I decided to look at Charlotte Simone's products. I have followed her on Instagram for a while and love her fur accessories.

I am obsessed with her 'Sass Caps' which have been seen on celebrities such as GiGi Hadid.

Here are some of her products! Hopefully they will inspire you to add some colour, texture and a bit of fun into your wardrobe!


Friday 22 January 2016

New York Day 6

The last day we wanted to fit as much as possible into the short amount of time we had so we started off at Barney's for brunch. We were a bit early so we had a browse at the clothes which were all very beautiful. 

Brunch itself was soon good! I will be dreaming about this french toast. It had bananas inside with fresh berries, it looked too good to eat!

We then found the famous Palace Hotel where Gossip Girl was filmed. While taking photos outside a member of staff kindly asked if we wanted to come inside and see some of the places they filmed. I was so excited I am now watching the whole show from start to finish. 

The famous bar where Serena used to drink.

The kitchen where Chuck made Serena a cheese and truffle toasted sandwich. 

Grand Central Station was such a good people watching spot! I definitely want to go back and explore some more. 

Then we had to make it back to the hotel to go home. I had an amazing time and really enjoyed seeing and experiencing new things! 
I can't wait to go back and explore some more!


Thursday 21 January 2016

New York Day 5

Day five we explored more of the city and went to the Denim: Fashion's Frontier and the Fairy Tale Fashion exhibitions at FIT. 

The gowns which were featured especially in the Little Mermaid display were extremely beautiful. They were extravagant and the detail was amazing. 

After the exhibition we made our way to Central Park. The views were lovely and we all sat and had lunch by the ice rink which was one of my favourite parts of the trip. The weather was cold but not freezing so we could sit out and take in the views.

After Central Park we went back to the shops we wanted to re-visit on 5th Avenue. 

Of course another trip to Sprinkles was needed!!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

New York Day 4

Day 4 was also a very fun day! We started off looking for the restaurant Bubby's but after an hour of searching we got there to find it was closed for a private event!! At least we saw some pretty sights along the way! 

This is the breakfast I ended up having!

We visited Ground Zero which I feel when you are walking down towards it just has such a different feel from the rest of the city, its crazy when you realise just how big the towers were. 

We then visited the Brookfield Place Shopping Mall opposite. How couldn't we get a cupcake? The chocolate and marshmallow cupcake is a dream! 

We sat on the steps and people watched all the office staff coming out for lunch and people shopping which was so much fun! 

After a long day of walking and exploring we did some shopping on 5th Avenue and went out for dinner. 


Tuesday 19 January 2016

New York Day 3

Day three was extremely busy, but also one of my favourites, we travelled all around the city seeing new and exciting things.

First we were taken on a Garment Tour which was super exciting!

We were taken to Mood Fabrics where Project Runway is filmed. While we were there bloggers The Wanderlust Girls came to see us to speak about their jobs, how they got to the success they have now and a few funny stories about what they encountered along the way.

We then went to look at a sample sale which was great to see all these little boutiques.

After some shopping we were taken to a magazine store which sold fashion magazines from all over the world, unfortunately we couldn't take photos in there, but there was a publication for everything! If I could I would've bought everything!

We then met PR Girl Natasha Huong Smith (Instagram @rhmediaprgirl) who was so inspiring talking to us about what made her get into fashion PR, what her day to day life is like and what it takes to be successful in the PR world. I loved being able to meet her as she obviously had worked very hard to be successful and thats how I aim to be.

After the garment tour we were all a little hungry so we got the subway down to Chelsea Market. I hadn't been before so it was great to see what it was like. There were so many places to eat! We decided on a little cafe/ bakery and sat in the window. It was great to just watch the world go by for a moment before we explored some more. 

When we had finished at Chelsea Market we decided to go to the High Line, another place I hadn't been. It was freezing cold, but the sky was so clear. The views were beautiful and I definitely want to go back in the summer to see all the flowers.

While on the High Line we decided that it was the perfect clear weather to go to the Rockefeller Centre. Again it was extremely cold and our phones kept turning themselves off but the views were amazing! I have been up there before and love that you can see the Empire State and Central Park. 


That night we had one of our 'treats' for the week. We had booked a table for Beauty and Essex while still at home. I was super excited to go, get dressed up and try some new foods. 

Me and the two girls I was sharing a room with went and each ordered two things each and then shared with each other. I ordered the Mole Chicken which was on a rice cake with tortilla salad and cotija cheese and the Califlower Gratin with parsley germinate, lemon and fresno chilli. 

Everything was so delicious and I can't wait to go back.

I did order the box of doughnuts which had 3 nutella and 3 jam doughnuts. The jam doughnuts were the best thing I have ever eaten! They were delicious!!

I just loved this quote! Definitely one I will be remembering! 
A busy, but very exciting day!! 
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