Sunday 10 April 2016

Instore Fragrance- NEXT HOME

Another post about Next and there use of fragrance!! I visited a Next Home store and as soon as I walked in you could smell a lovely scent immediately. I have never noticed this in any other Next store before so was intrigued to see if this was being featured in every store.

While paying at the till point I noticed a sign which told you which Next scent you were smelling in the store. I thought this was a great idea for Next to have the customers experience the scent first hand, the customer will then walk to the home fragrance section to view this fragrance and all the other options, then they may make a purchase.

I'm interested to see if the other Next Home stores and the Next clothing stores introduce this and if they will all use the same scent or have a different Next Home scent in different stores. I will keep you posted!!

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