Sunday 5 June 2016

Counterfeit Sneaker Technology

Counterfeit products have been a huge problem in the fashion world for a number of years now, but who knew sneakers counted for 40% of all counterfeit goods in the US?

Sneaker brand Greats have tried to work around this problem by using technology and creating 3D smart tags that can track the sneakers back to the factory and are impossible to fake.

Greats designed a smart tag for their Beast Mode sneakers, each 3D printed smart tag has a unique identifying code stamped into it, linking it to a specific pair of shoes, a encrypted NFC chip like ones you find in a passport is found inside, this can be tracked by scanning with a smart phone.

The chip is baked into the smart tag during the 3D printing process, this means its impossible to break it out of the plastic without destroying it.

The designers of this chip Chronicled and Origin have created their own blockchain, specifically designed for sneaker transactions.

When the tag is scanned you can not only tell if they item is authentic, but everyone else who has ever owned that pair of sneakers. If you sell your sneakers on you just transfer ownership of the smart tag within the Chronicled app.

So a new and clever way to stop counterfeit items, will other brands start using technology like this?

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